Saturday 11th December 10am – 11am
Are livestock causing climate change?
We believe not if they are reared properly, but we want to hear your thoughts and answer questions in order to help us shape the way we do things at Balcaskie. We farm organically and our cattle and sheep are Pasture for Life assured – meaning they only ever eat grass. Sounds simple enough and it is. We move our cattle daily to fresh grass, resting pastures for months to allow carbon to be sequestered. Livestock fertilise the ground and we harvest this fertility to produce milling cereals for bread and oats for porridge.
We are changing the way we farm to harvest only the surplus and not mine the land. Livestock play a huge part in the system we are adopting, but we want to ask you opinion.
1. Would you be interested to visit us and see how we farm?
2. Are you interested in food systems?
3. Do you think that livestock are an issue or an opportunity for CO2 emissions?
Join us on the 11th of December (while the Bowhouse market is taking place) for a tour around the cattle at Bowhouse and discussion.